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Clear Sky Recruitment



img img img img img 4.5
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    I. Mark Mills img 4

    The only Recruitment agency in my area that's been able to provide me with regular, consistent work. I always get paid weekly, and on time. I rate 4 stars and not 5 only because they do tend to make mistakes. Incorrect start dates, clients not informed of my arrival etc. But they're always very apologetic, and I don't have any real complaints other than that. Great agency, I can't recommend working with them enough.

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    Tia Rogers img 5

    I’ve been with clear sky agency for just over a year , they have been super helpful and welcoming while I’ve been working for them. Would definitely go back to them if needed in the future

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    Ryan Challenger img 5

    Recently started working for clear sky they are a very good agency been dealing with a guy called Joe proter always emails me back and sorts any problems I may have . Many thanks clear sky

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    jade Buckle img 5

    Clear Sky have been incredibly helpful throughout. Before starting my current role and during. I have dealt with Megan mainly and she is always very helpful and quick to respond to any queries. I would highly recommend using clear sky if you are looking for work. A great company!

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    Dawn Cleeves img 5

    Being my first experience with a Recruitment company in the UK, I was somewhat dubious about the process but I can say with absolute conviction that my contact Kelly was amazing. Any and all queries I had during the application and interview process were dealt with promptly, efficiently and with an incredibly friendly attitude. Great work Kelly and great work Clear Sky Recruitment.